Stock Market Crash Imminent?
I have been suggesting to every one of my clients, everyone who attends my speeches, and everyone who reads my blog or receives my newsletter for almost two and a half years, that a stock market crash is imminent. For two and a half years…
What does Former Fed Chaiman Ben Bernanke know you do not?
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Particularly when it comes to getting a few hours of Ben Bernanke's time. The former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve charges from $200,000 to $400,000 for speaking engagements at private equity…
Driving Blind!
Take a look at this picture:
I know this will sound rhetorical, but does this make any sense?
Given what I have read and what I have published in this blog and elsewhere, driving with a blind fold makes as much sense to me as…
81 questions for you to consider
These are arranged into some categories to help you organize your thoughts.
Social Security
1) Will it be there for me when I retire?
2) What is the best age to take Social Security to maximize my benefits?
3) Will Social Security be…
Medicare – Can it Last?
Tom Hegna, an economist, always says that longevity is not just a risk, it is a risk multiplier. Nothing could be truer for the Medicare program. In 1965 When the Medicare program began, life expectancy was age 70. (In case you missed the first…
The Truth About Social Security
The Social Security and Medicare Trustees just issued their annual report. In it, they claim Social Security will go bankrupt in 2034. One year later than last year. Medicare will go bankrupt in 2030, also one year later than last year's report.…