TAX Time: What is different this year vs 1913?
As Americans finish yet another tax filing season, let’s take a look at the 104-year history of the income tax:
Top Marginal Tax Bracket: Has varied from 7% (the initial rate introduce in 1913) to 94% in 1942. Of course the rate has…

Need Cash Now
It doesn’t take long while watching TV or listening to the radio to hear a commercial encouraging people to contact any number of companies that will help you access the money of your life insurance before you die. In one commercial a senior…

The Pressure of the Stock Market
Often in a visit with people about their money and finances it comes to my attention that they are having to lean more and more on higher risk investments to make money.
Why is this when it appears that the market is really doing well?…

Capitalism VS Socialism
There seems to be a lot of talk about the evils of capitalism of late. While capitalism has its short comings a short story will illustrate the difference between capitalism and socialism. This story has been published a bunch of times,…

Cash Is For Criminals?
You read that right. That is not a tongue and cheek question but rather a reactionary question to a recent article published by ABC Australia entitled; "Cash is for Criminals: Why we should scrap big notes." According to an economics professor…

Whole Life Insurance, an asset class for general public and for your Portfolio.
I recently came across and interesting interview from CNBC. You can go watch the interview here. The interview had many good points the least of which was the title of this article; Whole life insurance is a safe asset that should be…

Want to Reduce Risk? Get CONTROL!
No investment is without risk, and at the foundation of any good strategy you’ll find the mitigation of risk. The traditional way to mitigate risk in an investment portfolio is with the theory of asset allocation and diversification.

Advice From A Self-made Millionaire
After graduating from college, Grant Cardone was broke and swimming in $40,000 of student debt, he writes in his new book, "Be Obsessed Or Be Average." Yet by the time he reached 30, he'd made his first million. Since then, the 58-year-old…

BOLI Continues to Increase
Why do Banks own life insurance or commonly referred to by the acronym BOLI (bank owned life insurance)? According to banking rules, banks must keep a certain amount of tier one capital to protect them against failing. Tier one capital is…

Could China Debt Really Start The Next Economic Disaster?
There are many analysts who believe the next world-wide economic disaster will begin in China. Even the BIS is also rightly concerned about spillover from China to the global economy. China is the second largest economy on the planet with a…