Do you want Control?

In my  last post I explained the difference of paying with cash or taking a loan(using OPM). Hopefully you saw how to use interest instead of lose interest. In this post I will explain the Mentality of Control. As we teach various people the…

Pay Cash or Take a Loan?

In my  last blog I explained the Velocity of Money and showed the power of reusing money to create wealth. In this message I will demonstrate that using Other People's Money (OPM) beats paying cash. First, let's set the stage. I have $20,000…

What is IBC #3 – Velocity of Money

In my  last message I explained the principle of Interest Volume. Hopefully you saw that the rate of interest is nowhere near as impressive as the Volume. Knowing and applying this will help a person build wealth without risk in the market. In…

What is IBC #2; Volume of Interest

In my last post I explained in short what Privatized Banking was. I mentioned the power of this strategy and also that we would see this power if we could think like a banker. Let's look at the power of VOLUME OF INTEREST in this reading. Each…

What Is IBC #1

After years of recommending this strategy to clients, I am still amazed at how misunderstood the strategy is. It's evident that banks and finance companies have done a terrific job of marketing themselves as the go-to institutions for money.…

Money $ense

  It is a popular belief that the only way to make your money grow is to get higher rates of return. Every time I hear “higher rate of return,” I ask a question: “Who is at risk, you or the one making the recommendation?” There…

The Whirlwind Tour of Becoming Your Banker

Hop in a taxi in an unfamiliar city. Tell the driver an address and sit back and "relax". Really! Who is in control? Where will you end up? How will you know the fare is appropriate? All these thoughts came to me a while back when,,, you guessed…