Healthcare Costs in Retirement Haunt Baby Boomers
The Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) just released a study showing that a retired couple could require as much as $350,000 to pay healthcare costs in retirement. That is for a couple who is 65 years old in 2016. The report gives…

Spending more on Health Care vs. Social Security
"We the people" is often used when we talk about liberty and justice for all. It is not a phrase used very often when we talk about things that are not so noble, such as spending. When we talk about spending, we use "the government" as if…

Who will be able to afford health insurance?
The news is here, premiums for the lowest health plan will have premium increases on average of about 10 percent or more with many in the upper teens and some in the 20 and even 30 percent range.
The average deductible for these…