America’s Budget Nightmare
Twice a year, the Congressional Budget Office issues a report or rather updates its annual “Budget and Economic Outlook.” This report projects the nation’s fiscal conditions for the next 10 years based on current laws. The most recent…

The Most Important Question You Should Answer About YOUR money
There is a lot of talk and much advice from financial advisors and "certified" planners to put your money in tax deferred accounts. The prediction behind this advice is that you will be in a lower tax bracket when you retire and access the…

Your 401k Has Been Taxed 50% & You Didn’t Even Know It
Imagine you hear a politician proposing an immediate 50% tax on the income from your 401k? The proposal stipulated that tax has to be paid now, regardless of where you are in the retirement process. What would be your response? Once you…

“Egregious Tax Loophole” To Be Closed
When the 13th amendment was sold to the American public in 1912-1913 they were told it would only apply to the mega rich. That information was a little thin in details on how exactly only the mega rich would pay. Do you, dear reader, pay…

Why The Infinite Banking Concept?
When people hear about IBC, Infinite Banking Concept, they have several thoughts. Some of the immediate thoughts that come to mind are:
Dave Ramsey says that the infinite banking concept is a terrible investment. (Oh the fun I have teaching…

Taxes Destroy Wealth
My title is a bit bold, but math will prove me right. No, I am not going to use multi-dimensional calculus or other forms of advanced math. The “complicated” math I am going to use is simply done using a compounding or future…