Tag Archive for: retirement

Retirement: Out of Reach?
By J. Floyd
Retirement in my early working years seemed to be only a dream away. I didn’t even want to ever be old enough to retire. I was so busy raising my children and working that the idea of never working again and having money to…

Feeling Blessed
By Craig Floyd
Since it is Memorial Day soon, I just have to say “Thank you” to the thousands of Americans who have died or placed themselves in harm’s way defending my freedom. To those men and women and their courageous families,…

Who Do I Want To Control My Retirement
By Criag Floyd
A recent article that advertised unknown ideas for retirement talked about the concept of qualified accounts that are used by the government to encourage saving money especially for the low to moderate level income…

Almost All Returns In S&P Since 2009 From Buybacks?
by Jason I. Henderson, Ph.D.
How much of what you we hear in mainstream media is simply misleading at best or simply not true? I have felt this way about reports on the economy for a very long time. What am I, probably to most people…

401(k)’s: The Truth Behind the Holy Grail of Savings Plans
By Jason I. Henderson, Ph.D.
To suggest that the 401(k) is not a good vehicle for retirement savings takes a fair amount of courage, considering the intensely fractious response such a statement garners from a lengthy list of “expert”…